Featured Products

The Catnip Dispensary Catnip Kitten Logo Tee
$25.00 - $32.00

The Catnip Dispensary Catnip Kitten Logo Sweatshirt
$55.00 - $60.00

Jumbo Anxiety Cat Kicker Toy

Catnip Crinkle Cash

Feral Kicker Toy

Catnip Baggie Toy (With or Without Crinkle)

Cat Skull Kicker Toy

My Cat is Gayer Than Yours Catnip Crinkle Pillow Toy

Jumbo Leopard Print Kicker Toy

Magic Wand Catnip Kicker Toy

Rainbow Cloud Cats Kicker Toy

Catnip Bong Kicker Toy

I am Very Worried About Everything Catnip Crinkle Pillow Toy

Pussy Power Kicker Toy

I Need a Snack and a Nap Catnip Crinkle Pillow Toy

Jumbo Catnip Nugs Kicker Toy

Don't Be an Asshole Catnip Crinkle Pillow Toy

Doing My Best Catnip Crinkle Pillow Toy

Nintendo Zapper Catnip Kicker

Nintendo Catnip Crinkle Controller
$17.00 - $32.00

Cats Rule, Babies Drool Catnip Crinkle Pillow Toy

Dundie Award Catnip Kicker

Schrute Buck Catnip Crinkle Cash

Save the Earth Catnip Crinkle Pillow Toy

Feral Tee
$25.00 - $35.00

Feral Hoodie
$60.00 - $65.00

Eat the Rich Tee
$25.00 - $35.00

Overstimulated and Underpaid Tee
$25.00 - $35.00

Doing My Best Tee, featuring Anxiety Cat
$25.00 - $35.00

Doing My Best Hoodie, featuring Anxiety Cat
$60.00 - $65.00

I Am Very Worried About Everything Tee, featuring Anxiety Cat
$25.00 - $35.00

I Am Very Worried About Everything Hoodie, featuring Anxiety Cat
$60.00 - $65.00

Don't Be An Asshole Tee, featuring Anxiety Cat
$25.00 - $35.00

Don't Be An Asshole Hoodie, featuring Anxiety Cat
$45.00 - $49.00

I Need a Snack and a Nap Tee, featuring Anxiety Cat
$25.00 - $35.00

I Need a Snack and a Nap Hoodie, featuring Anxiety Cat
$60.00 - $65.00

I Want to Go Home Tee, featuring Anxiety Cat
$25.00 - $35.00

I Want to Go Home Hoodie, featuring Anxiety Cat
$60.00 - $65.00

What the Fuck is Going On Tee, featuring Anxiety Cat
$25.00 - $35.00

What the Fuck is Going On Hoodie, featuring Anxiety Cat
$60.00 - $65.00

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing Tee, featuring Anxiety Cat
$25.00 - $35.00

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing Hoodie, featuring Anxiety Cat
$60.00 - $65.00

Racism is for Assholes Tee, featuring Anxiety Cat
$25.00 - $35.00

Racism is for Assholes Hoodie, featuring Anxiety Cat
$60.00 - $65.00

I Am Very Tired Tee, featuring Anxiety Cat
$19.00 - $26.00

I Am Very Tired Hoodie, featuring Anxiety Cat
$45.00 - $49.00

Homophobia is for Assholes Tee, featuring Anxiety Cat
$19.00 - $35.00

Homophobia is for Assholes Hoodie, featuring Anxiety Cat
$60.00 - $65.00