Catnip Baggie Toy (With or Without Crinkle)


If you don't talk to your cat about catnip, who will? This ridiculous catnip pillow, which is loaded with my super-potent Stray Cat Chronic catnip, is meant to look like your cat's stash -- err, the stuff they're holding for a friend. Yeah. That's it.

This pillow measures approximately 6x6 inches, actual ziploc baggie size! All of my catnip toys are handmade by me, using fabric custom-designed by me, exclusive to The Catnip Dispensary!

Now available in a regular or crinkle version, for cats who like a little extra sound and texture.

Your purchase supports Era's foster kittens and their rescue work, and each month, a portion of proceeds from The Catnip Dispensary is donated to rescues and animal advocacy groups like those linked at the end of the shop FAQs.